Blog Quote

In family life, love is the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony. - Eva Burrows

Saturday, May 28, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 5

                                                       30 Day Challenge: Day 5

Myrtle Beach, SC

This is Dave and I's favorite vacation spot. We have been twice but wish we could go every year. The beach is beautiful, there is so much to do, we absolutely love it there!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

30 Day Challenge: Day 2 & 3


               30 Day Challenge: Day 2 & 3

Day 2 was supposed to be the meaning behind your blog name. Since my name is My Family's Name: Detvay Family this didn't make sense.

So Day 3.... A pic of me and my friends
This is a pic of (from left top to bottom right) Bro-In-Law Kyle, Husband Dave, Bro-In-Law Jordan, Sister Laura, Me and Sister Lindsey. They are my bff's.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Didn't your momma tell you...

If you don't have something nice to say, don't say nothing at all!

I can't believe some of the stuff that comes out of people's mouths. So I have my first garage sale (which was a huge success btw) and I guess at garage sales you meet all kinds of sorts :) This lady came in wearing a Marijuana T-Shirt and picks up a pair of pants I sewed for my 3 year old. She said, "You should make these for adults, I could get you a booth at the Hippie Fest and you could sell these for $30 a pair easily." I was like ok, probably not but I will humor you. She has her 3 year old granddaughter with her so we started talking about them since I have a 3 year old too. Then I mentioned I was expecting my fourth and that's when it started getting crazy. She said to me, "Four kids? All from the same dad?"

I forgot to mention my husband is standing right next to me. So I reply, "Um, yes." WHO ASKS THAT? Really?!?!?! Then she said, "Is this one a boy?" I said, "We haven't found out yet but either way this is our last one." She replies, "Oh no, you can't stop if it isn't a boy!"

Ok so what are girls worthless? And is she going to feed the 20 kids I have to get to a boy! I was completely dumbfounded at this point. Then the biggest kicker.. She says (in front of my husband) "Well you should have him get clipped, unless you plan on having an affair and don't want to get pregnant."

Obviously she was high. No normal person would make those comments to a complete stranger unless they fell off their rocker. On top of that, she didn't buy a dang thing at the garage sale!!

A couple hours later another older lady comes to the garage sale and decides to buy a vacuum. While I am getting her change, she ask me if I'm pregnant. Which thankfully I am. Then she says, "Your first?" I reply, "My 4th." She says, "FOURTH!! No one has four kids anymore unless they are you know, loose."

These aren't the first comments I have gotten about being pregnant, having 4 kids, etc. But come on! This can't be the common opinion among all adults. For the record, I'm having 4 kids, all by the same man, who I married 10 years ago because I WANT TO :)

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 1

30 Day Blog Challenge: Day 1

Recent Pic

15 Random facts about myself:

1. I hate shaving my legs
2. I hate chipped nail polish
3. I could eat a Chicken Yero everyday
4. Dr. Pepper is my fav pop ever!
5. I love rock music
6. I am a natural red head who dyes my hair even redder
7. I am terrified of heights
8. I'm a reality TV junkie
9. I got married at age 17 and I'm still married 10 years later!
10. I love being sun burned
11. I hate tomatoes and spaghetti
12. I love to sew, crochet, scrapbook and write
13. I pee in the shower
14. I hate winter
15. I'm a mommy to 3 beautiful girls with a 4th baby on the way!

16 Weeks - Belly Pic

Our house is growing by 2 feet!

Our Positive Test!
On February 16, 2011 we found out we are expecting baby #4. It took a good couple weeks to come to terms with the idea of starting over with the joys of pregnancy not to mention the diapers, formula, sleepless nights, etc. As any pregnant mother knows, after the initial shock wears off this undeniable emotion comes over you of wanting love, protect and welcome this baby. I am now in my second trimester and can't really complain about the pregnancy to this point. My morning sickness was minimal. I had maybe 4 days where I was really day morning, noon and night. Most nights I would get sick from the prenatal vitamins but that's why I would take them at night and not notice the nausea after I was asleep. So far I have lost 3 1/2 lbs this pregnancy. Not as much as I lost with Quinn (my 3 year old) but since I am already overweight, weight loss is safe for baby and good for me! Yesterday I had a little scare, where for the 2nd time this pregnancy I began spotting. However this time, it was a little or brown it was a least a half dollar size of bright red blood. Since I have never EVER bled with any of my pregnancy's, I was totally freaked out and went to E.R. After a painful, very thorough examination they concluded that I had most likely tore my placenta or my cervix was bleeding a little bit. Either was it wasn't a totally horrible thing. Not the "norm" but nothing to panic about. Baby was good - kicking like crazy and a solid strong heartbeat of 150. In 2 weeks on 6/6/11, we will find out the sex! I think Dave is secretly hoping for a boy but at this point we would be happy with whatever we have as long as it's healthy. Another girl would feel natural to me. I have 3 girls so far, my mom has 4 girls and I am very comfortable with all the estrogen in the house. A boy would be a whole new exciting adventure for me but we are up for the challenge if we have a little "Mr." in there. For naming reasons a boy would be 100 times easier. We have had a boys name picked out since 2002 when we found out we were pregnant with the first baby. So if it is a boy his name will be Zane Michael Detvay which I love and I love it even more that it has no influence from anyone. Just a name that Dave and I both loved. Girls is a totally different story. We have a checklist for choosing the right girls name and here it is:

  • Has to "flow" with the existing girls names (Jenna, Cambree and Quinn)
  • Has to very feminine but not to old-fashioned
  • Has to be unique
  • We can not know anyone with the name
  • Can not start with the same letter as any of our other children
So if anyone reading this thinks of any names that seem to fit this criteria.. Please comment. We need help!!

The Blog Beginning

I decided to start a family blog. I created it for selfish reasons; 1.To document some of our families important moments and 2. provide a place for me to come and share my thoughts and opinions, as many as they may be :)